Tracking the supply chain response to COVID-19, for ETI members and beyond.
COVID-19 and Gender Equality in Global Supply Chains

Access to information for RMG workers in Bangladesh: a gender perspective

COVID-19 outbreak resource pack for RMG suppliers in Bangladesh
COVID-19 outbreak resource pack for African agricultural suppliers

Recommendations for factories to protect workers from COVID-19
COVID Winter Response Guidance for Food, Horticulture and Agriculture
Cambodia open joint letter
Nick Kightley, ETI's Strategic Lead for Food, Farming and Fisheries respond's to Oxfam's 2020 Behind the Barcodes scorecard

Slow progress to protect frontline food workers in supermarket supply chains?

Is Nestle “Building Back Worse?”

SEDEX member survey: garments, footwear and construction suffering biggest economic hit during Covid-19

How Covid-19 has left one Rana Plaza workers' initiative fighting for survival

ETI statement on labour law changes in India
Banana Link: COVID-19 on Latin American plantations

Impact of COVID-19 on Homeworkers in Garment Supply Chains

ETI: members should commit to “active advocacy” to end migrant labour abuse, or cease sourcing from worst affected areas

Chain reaction – and how to stop it leading to meltdown in the garment sector
ETI publishes briefing note on responsibilities of employers towards migrant workers during Covid-19

COVID-19: The Body Shop's initial ethical trade response

COVID-19: Oxfam's initial ethical trade response
Protecting vulnerable fishers and seafood workers from COVID-19

Report: Accelerating transition: the future is now - a virtual think tank on COVID-19

ETI Coronavirus resources
Search all ETI blogs and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic
ETI endorses Covid 19 call to action to global garment industry and urges A&T members to sign up
ETI has endorsed a call to action to the global garment industry, and is urging all its apparel and textile members to sign up urgently. Read more
ETI supports ITUC’s Covid-19 call for global action to support the garment industry
ETI has supported a call for global action to support workers in the garment industry, and develop social protection floors and social protection for workers and employers, and is encouraging its members to support and actively engage with the initiative.
Read the full version of the call to action
Business Fights Poverty Covid Resource Centre
Business Fights Poverty has set up a Business and COVID-19 Response Centre designed to accelerate global learning and local action to support the most vulnerable in companies' value chains, communities and beyond. The resource contains tools and resources to inform companies’ actions and work with governments and NGOs to manage the immediate and longer-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. View the resource centre
Guidance for ETI members
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