OHS training to RMG factory managers & supervisors Public 11 August 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings Advice on what form the training may take and how to organise it.
Covid-19 prevention behaviour change communication materials Public 11 August 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings Background to the materials and things to keep in mind before distributing them.
Raising awareness of Covid-19 prevention among workers Public 11 August 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings
Access to information for RMG workers in Bangladesh: a gender perspective Public 9 August 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings Results of a survey examining the patterns and obstacles present in accessing Covid-19 and other information for male and female workers in the RMG sector of Bangladesh
VSCF Africa agriculture: event slide deck Public 19 July 2021 Presentations Slide deck with video from the meeting on 13 July 2021
Stories from beneficiaries in East African agriculture supply chains Public 12 July 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings
ETI position: Uygher workers in global supply chains Public 8 July 2021 ETI position statement ETI's statement responding to concern about conditions for Uygher workers.
ETI Member Charter Public 6 July 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings Outlines the expectations of all ETI members: companies, trade unions and NGOs, and of the ETI Secretariat itself.
Covid-19 awareness & prevention webinar for Africa agri-business sites Public 24 June 2021 Audio & film A 50 min webinar covering a full range of Covid prevention measures and advice on managing outbreaks.
Business continuity guide Public 18 June 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings A pack of tools and templates to enable African agri-food suppliers to draft their own Business Continuity Plan.
Access to remedy: a migrant worker's right Public 8 June 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings A set of principles to guide effective operational-level grievance mechanisms
Practical recommendations for implementation of remedy principles Public 28 May 2021 Tools, Guidelines & Briefings Practical steps that companies and other stakeholders can take in providing remedy to vulnerable migrant workers