The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to mobilise action and shape the efforts of governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society organisations across the world to create a sustainable future for all in the next 15 years. Companies with a robust ethical trade programme will find that they are already contributing towards the Goals.
The purpose of this report is:
To explain how the SDGs are relevant to ethical trade and workers’ rights, particularly SDG 8 and other key goals. Responsible business conduct and respect for human rights in global supply chains has been identified as one of the most effective ways of advancing sustainable development.
To explain the links between the SDGs, the UNGPs and ETI’s work. This should help ETI members to demonstrate progress against the SDGs through their activities and ETI membership.
To provide some useful references and resources. This includes a map of the ETI Base Code against the SDGs and an outline of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) as a ‘means of SDG implementation’.
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