Why I’m excited to be ETI’s new NGO coordinator 19 April 2024Sabita Banerji reflects on her appointment as ETI's new NGO Coordinator.
The role of responsible purchasing practices in human rights due diligence 17 April 2024Why are purchasing practices important in relation to due diligence and how can companies start making improvements?
Understanding barriers: Migrant workers’ access to operational grievance mechanisms in Spain and Italy's agriculture sector 15 April 2024New research from ETI's Grievance mechanisms in agriculture initiative.
Protecting the workers making 'zero waste' a reality 8 April 2024To mark zero waste day, our Just Transitions Advisor explores the role of informal waste pickers in our journey towards a zero waste economy.
ETI statement on repression of the right to freedom of association & criminal charges against workers in Bangladesh 21 March 2024ETI statement expresses concern, shares considerations and urges all parties to respect the right to freedom of association.
Enforced military service in Myanmar: A new & disturbing risk for workers 13 March 2024ETI reflects on last month's declaration by Myanmar's junta.
Shared responsibility & trust: The two key factors to tackle GBVH in garment & footwear supply chains 8 March 2024ETI's Gender Advisor reflects on our joint OECD side session on GBVH with RISE.
Two days to achieve a CSDDD 6 March 2024The next two days are critical to secure any form of the CSDDD.
Five key takeaways from the OECD Forum on Due Diligence 2024 29 February 2024Explore the top five reflections from ETI staff.
Failure to agree on EU CSDDD betrays business and workers worldwide 28 February 2024ETI reacts to the lack of majority for CSDDD in COREPER.
The Industry We Want Publishes 2024 Scores on the Industry Dashboard 20 February 2024The third cycle of the Industry Dashboard underscores the imperative for shared supply chain responsibility and stakeholder collaboration