Hear persepectives from our speakers after the event, in the interviews below.
Negotiations on agreements like TPP, TTIP and CETA have recently attracted widespread attention and controversy. Other agreements, such as GSP+ and EBA, have been in place for years but continue to be debated.
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between countries are wide ranging. They deal with taxes, tariffs, quotas and standards and are seen as key drivers of economic growth, especially for the poorest countries. Millions of jobs have been created through global value chains and depend on international trade - but do trade agreements pay enough attention to the quality of those jobs? What impact do they have on workers’ rights and working conditions? Are they set up mainly for the benefit of government or businesses? How do they sit alongside the UNGPs, which require countries to protect and businesses to respect human rights. And where do Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS) fit into this?
Our speakers are experts in the field of international trade. They will explore current issues, illustrate the dilemmas and demonstrate good practice. Join us for breakfast and come ready for a challenging debate and discussion.
Our speakers
Yorgos Altintzis, Economic and Social Policy Officer, ITUC
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is the global confederation of national trade unions. Their primary mission is the promotion and defence of workers’ rights and interests, through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within the major global institutions. Yorgos advocates workers’ interests in international trade and investment, as well as global governance. He will reflect on agreements and focus on their labour chapters. He will highlight the role trade unions can and do play in these negotiations.
Ruth Bergan, Coordinator, Trade Justice Movement
The Trade Justice Movement is a coalition of organisations concerned with trade justice, including trade unions, aid agencies, environment and human rights campaigns, Fair Trade organisations, faith and consumer groups. They are supported by more than 60 members, with millions of individual members. Their vision is that trade is in the interest of the many, not the few, and of institutions that are democratic and accountable. Ruth will discuss TJM’s campaigns and highlight challenges around global trade agreements.
About Ethical Insights
ETI's Ethical Insights Series create a safe, open space where we can air challenges, share ideas and learn from one another. We want to generate a spirit of knowledge collaboration to improve the impact of all our efforts.
At the end of each session, we'll have a 10-minute 'open mike' for you to share news and propose ideas for future topics.
"A full room of like-minded people and good speakers: an opportunity to brainstorm new solutions for ethical trading." Attendee from a previous Ethical Insights event
Join us over coffee and croissants at the ETI office in Farringdon.