Nick Kightley reflects on how our tuna industry might be run, after a Greenpeace report finds significant levels responsibility among only 4 of the top 20 tuna canning companies in South East Asia
Nick Kightley reflects on what the rescue by the GLAA of two Romanian workers trafficked to London, and the responsibilities of companies to advocate for better protections in countries where there is no GLAA to protect vulnerable workers from trafficking
"A fearsomely complex task fraught with conflicting vested interests." Nick Kightley, ETI's Strategic Lead on Food, Farming and Fisheries asks how food retailers can begin making procurement decisions which focused on sustainability rather than lowest possible cost
The shocking deaths of two young Indonesian crew members aboard a Chinese shark-finning vessel after weeks of torture show how current business models cannot be relied upon to protect fishers, says ETI's Nick Kightley
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