Overview of existing training policies and procedures relevant to modern slavery
Training needs assessment with list of particular groups (including suppliers) that should receive modern slavery training/capacity building
Plan (with specific timebound objectives) to develop and roll out appropriate modern slavery training/capacity building initiatives and evaluation system
Level 2
As Level 1, plus:
Evidence that modern slavery modules are included in existing training programmes and/or that a specific modern slavery training and capacity building programme has been developed, with understanding and skills identified and assessed
Level 3
As Level 2, plus:
Measures of training outcomes (e.g. changes in awareness) and capacity building outcomes (e.g. changes in number/quality of supplier due diligence plans)
Evidence of ongoing review and revision of training and capacity building
Evidence that training and capacity building programme has been developed in consultation with external stakeholders
Suggested information to include
Which groups have been provided with training (e.g. buying teams, senior management, specific contractors, suppliers and their workers) and which groups have not
Who provides training and capacity building activities
What the objectives and outcomes are for each activity mentioned
How training and capacity building take place (e.g. workshops, webinars, videos, manuals, eLearning, etc.)
Evidence and detail of stakeholder collaboration in developing and implementing training and capacity building programmes
Information on the frequency and regularity of training
External training that your employees, or your suppliers’ employees, have participated in (such as training provided by the Ethical Trading Initiative)
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