A structured guide to writing or improving your Modern Slavery Statement
A tool to assess the quality of published statements, identifying strengths and weaknesses
A best practice standard to measure statements against
No one-size-fits-all answer
We recognise that different organisations have different resources, knowledge and experience to draw on – as well as facing different risks in their operations and supply chains
We recognise that every organisation’s statement will and should be different
This framework sets out a standard that allows for those differences, providing a best practice standard that is appropriate and proportionate to the reporting organisation
This framework is structured in six areas:*
Structure, business and supply chains
Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking
Identification of risks together with steps taken to prevent and manage that risk
Due diligence processes in relation to slavery and human trafficking in business and supply chains
Effectiveness in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in business or supply chains, measured against appropriate KPIs
Training and capacity building about slavery and human trafficking
* These six areas are taken from the UK Government’s statutory guidance on the recommended content of a statement; specific requirements differ in other jurisdictions but in general cover the same or similar content.
For each of the six areas, there are two sections
Key content
Essential principles: what you should include in each area of a statement and how you should improve it over time
Suggested information to include
Detailed information: suggested information to include in each area of a statement – which information is relevant depends on your needs, capacities and priorities
Overarching Principles
Statements should:
Be specific to modern slavery
Be detailed and well-evidenced
Align with relevant best practice and international standards
Be open and transparent about uncertainties
Demonstrate continuous progress
Include steps to prevent modern slavery in the long-term, not just mitigate short-term risks
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