2: Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking
Key Content
Level 1
List of relevant policies, describing what they cover and how they relate to modern slavery; policies should be aligned with the ETI Base Code or other codes based on international labour standards
Plan to develop specific policy on modern slavery (and, as relevant, on related issues – see yellow slide) or plan to include these issues in existing policies
Information on how policies are communicated and enforced
Level 2
As Level 1, plus:
Evidence of specific policies on modern slavery and (as relevant) on related issues or evidence that these issues are addressed in existing policies
Reference to assessment of supplier human resource policies and practices
Level 3
As Level 2, plus:
Evidence that input from external stakeholders has contributed to the development of a specific modern slavery policy or the inclusion of modern slavery concerns within existing policies
Evidence that modern slavery is mainstreamed in all relevant HR, purchasing and sourcing policies and practices
Suggested information to include
Codes of conduct for: employees, suppliers, contractors, business partners
Human resource policies (recruitment, pay, etc.)
Purchasing and procurement policies
Specific policies on issues relevant for the reporting organisation (such as homeworkers, migrant workers, child labour, remedy for victims of labour exploitation, etc.)
Policies on freedom of association and collective bargaining
Information on how employees, suppliers etc. can access relevant policies (including where their nativelanguage is not English and/or local literacy rates are low)
Enforcement mechanisms for policies – this is particularly important since policies only matter to the extent that they are put into practice
Assessment of relevant policies from third party organisations (suppliers, contractors, partners)
Processes for development, sign-off and ownership of policies within business
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