Description of what business does & who is responsible for modern slavery
What is known about the structure of: the business, parent company,
, contractors and supply chain
What is not known (e.g. names of Tier 2 suppliers, terms of employment of contractors, where recruitment agencies are used)
Level 2
As Level 1, plus:
Plan and process to map unknowns from Column 1
Description of communication strategy with suppliers and other key stakeholders
Description of relationships with workers’ organisations
Level 3
As Level 2, plus:
Detailed map of the supply chain highlighting key areas of risk
Detailed map of business structures and relationships with suppliers & contractors, including roles and responsibilities
Refinement of mapping plan from Column 2 to respond to previously identified risks and mitigation measures
Suggested information to include
Registered name of company
Name of Director or equivalent signing off report
Main products and services
Suppliers to include goods, services, goods not for resale, labour provides and contractors
Supplier business relationships (e.g. seasonal, long term, percentage of factory product supplied to you)
Description of the nature of the labour force in own operations and supply chains (e.g. use of temporary / seasonal workers; home workers, migrant workers recruited through labour agencies, agency workers)
Countries and regions of operation (of business, supply chain, etc.)
Main changes in structure since last statement
Structured working relationship with trade unions / worker organisations to help manage modern slavery risk
Cross departmental senior leadership of modern slavery work
Indication of plans to work with unions or other workers’ organisations to address modern slavery risks
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