Making effective grievance systems and remedy a reality. Subject areas covered:Introduce UN Guiding Principle’s Pillar 3Deep dive into grievance; examples of systems and what makes an effective oneDeep dive into remedy; case studies of where this has been required and how to make it effectiveCollaboration with partners to prevent and respond to human rights issuesBy the end of the course, participants should:Understand the expectations of the UN GPs remedy pillarRecognise a suitable grievance process and support an organisation – whether their own or another – to build an appropriate approachRecognise where remedy needs to take place and how this can be done effectivelyIdentify suitable collaborations for greater positive human rights impactSuitable for:Roles involved in proactively or reactively responding to human rights issues found in the supply chainCostETI members: £475 (+VAT) per online module.ETI non-members: £595 (+VAT) per online module.Discount offer - 10% bulk booking discount for people signing up to all modules in one go. Registration and enquiries If you would like to enquire or sign-up, please contactAli Murrell at or +44 (0)7813 150855.