Guest Blog: NoSweat's Jay Kerr on how one worker-led factory, set up in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh, is being supported to survive the global coronavirus pandemic
Guest blog: Dave Martin explains how the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership is using its network of 150 corporate partners and Supply Chain Roundtable participants to support workers in over 40 countries
VIDEO: The Body Shop's approach to their staff worldwide; their dialogue with suppliers regarding payment terms; impact on suppliers' production capacity; their interaction with ETI and more...
Around the world, migrant workers (both international and domestic) are one of the groups most affected by Covid-19. This briefing covers key risks, principles, and initial advice for companies.
Summary of guidance and advice published by WHO, ILO, plus country and sector info. Aligns to ETI Base Code clause 3 (working conditions are safe and hygienic).