Florence Batten-Turner sums up key takeaways from Made in Bangladesh Week, during which she met colleagues, visited factories and spoke with garment industry stakeholders.
Hotsprings is proud to have been accepted as a full ETI member in July this year, after a journey from foundation membership, which saw dramatic upheaval from the impact of Covid-19 across their supply chains worldwide.
How can companies alleviate risks to people displaced from Ukraine? Laurent Arnone reflects on our collective response to Ukraine and the need for proactive eHRDD in CAHRAs.
Lauren Shields, HERproject Director and Smita Nimilita, HERproject Bangladesh Country Representative explore the impacts of automation for women workers in the garment industry.
ETI and Labor Solutions, collaborate to design and develop an eLearning Module to support global brands, retailers, and suppliers to implement ETI’s Access to Remedy Principles.
As Lindex graduates to full ETI membership, the fashion company shares their perspective on progress in the supply chain and why real inclusion of half of the world’s population is key to a sustainable and plentiful future.
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