Is it time to take the global garment sector a step further by supporting the integration of women-led SMEs (small and medium size enterprises) into the mainstream?
A guide for companies to help them prevent and manage labour rights risks, and understand why engagement, negotiation and collaboration is the only way to succeed.
It's not just International Women's Day today - it's International Working Women's Day. Its roots are in celebrations of a strike by women workers... women workers empowering themselves.
Modern slavery, trafficking, the living wage, and labour exploitation of refugees: from Syria to Thailand here’s four stories we predict will be debated this year.
Training workers, supervisors and managers on equal treatment improves morale, communications and productivity. ETI's Sabita Banerji reports from Stellenbosch.
The new law on sexual harassment at the workplace in India: could this be the game changer that enables ETI members and others to push for action on the discrimination provisions in the ETI Base Code?
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