Companies must ensure that everything possible is being done to ensure safe working conditions for migrant workers in their supply chains in Southern Spain.
The growing trend around non-financial reporting, stemming from John Ruggie's Protect, Respect, Remedy framework, sees greater importance attached to human rights due diligence.
A guide for companies to help them prevent and manage labour rights risks, and understand why engagement, negotiation and collaboration is the only way to succeed.
Training workers, supervisors and managers on equal treatment improves morale, communications and productivity. ETI's Sabita Banerji reports from Stellenbosch.
Research shows that where business enterprises are involved in rights abuses, victims continue to struggle to access remedy, despite basic human rights principles.
In 2017, over 40% of workers were estimated to be in vulnerable forms of employment. The ILO predicts that this will increase, particularly in emerging economies.
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