ETI’s five year programme aims to catalyse positive change within the garment industry through activities that empower young women workers, strengthen industrial relations, build community awareness and support legislative reform.
On memorial day for Jyoti Singh, the 23-year-old student raped and murdered on a Delhi bus three years ago, Stirling Smith looks at sexual harassment in the workplace.
Training workers, supervisors and managers on equal treatment improves morale, communications and productivity. ETI's Sabita Banerji reports from Stellenbosch.
The new law on sexual harassment at the workplace in India: could this be the game changer that enables ETI members and others to push for action on the discrimination provisions in the ETI Base Code?
"It was very dusty.. the sweat dripping of the end of your nose by time you were half way through, then when you were coming home you didn't have energy to have a wash properly.."
"In the South African context, it's important not to force people to do things. It's about wooing people, building trusting relationships and winning over their confidence."