Case study Debenhams – a journey towards worker representation How does a major department store with a huge and complex global supply chain embed worker representation across its own brand supply chain?
Case study How collective bargaining in Brazil’s fruit sector has reduced the vulnerability of seasonal workers, and improved industrial relations Empowering workers and employers to partner with unions has improved working conditions and industrial relations in Northeast Brazil’s fruit farms
Blog post A voice for Tanzanian women workers I remember Phillipina saying to me: "We try, try, try. We never give up."
Blog post Rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining are vital to protecting vulnerable workers from the worst impacts of Covid-19 A recent ILO Issue paper on COVID-19 and rights at work sends a warning signal to anyone who believes in a world where ‘work’ should be decent, safe, remunerated fairly and, contribute to cohesive and stable societies.
Blog post Charting the rise of a women-only trade union in India How trade unions can help improve the fabric of communities as well as workers' lives.