Clause 9 of the ETI Base Code requires that no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed and yet violence and harassment (V&H) continues to be prevalent in global supply chains, in all industries.
All workers are at risk of V&H, but particular attention should be given to the most vulnerable, including women workers and other marginalised groups, where the risks are even higher. ETI Base Code Clause 7 (No discrimination is practised) focuses specifically on social identity (gender, race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital status, migration status, etc) recognising that discrimination regularly takes the form of abuse.
ETI welcomes the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 190 and Recommendation 206, recognising the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, by providing a shared understanding and common framework for action.
ILO C190 entered into force in June 2021, however many countries (both of company origin and within supply chains) have yet to ratify. ETI urges all companies to take action to ensure they provide safe and harassment free workspaces for all workers in their supply chain, regardless of ratification, by eradicating practices that may allow V&H to flourish, taking care to understand the particular risks faced by the most vulnerable.
V&H, and particularly GBV, are notoriously difficult to trace. Social audits and conventional grievance mechanisms are rarely capable of capturing or evidencing where it is occurring, with devastating outcomes for workers involved.
In order to ensure V&H is rooted out of supply chains, facilitating and amplifying worker voice and worker-led actions are imperative. Companies should also work with local NGOs and trade unions in order to better understand these hidden risks. ETI also urges companies to understand how their own business practices might be creating the conditions which have allowed V&H to occur.
ILO guidance & resources
- ILO Guide on C190 and R206 - Violence and harassment in the world of work: A guide on Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206
- ILO Series of Technical Briefs – Violence and harassment in the world of work
- Easy-to-read Guide C190 - Some world agreements about stopping violence and harassment at work
- Brief ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190): 12 ways it can support the COVID-19 response and recovery
- ILO Campaign Toolkit
- Brief ILO The COVID-19 response: Getting gender equality right for a better future for women at work
- Safe and healthy working environments free from violence and harassment
- ILO Violence and Harassment Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206, Policy brief for workers’ organisations
- Virtual high-level event: Guiding the COVID-19 response and recovery towards a better normal free from violence and harassment
- ILO Empowering women at work: Government laws and policies
ETI's work & resources
ETI responds to allegations of serious labour rights abuses in the Lujeri tea Estate in Malawi

Labour Rights Abuses on Kenyan avocado farm: Update April 2021

ILO convention on violence and harassment, ETI briefing
International Women's Day event report

New ILO convention tackles violence in the workplace