The GLAA – the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority – has told us about a government campaign to raise awareness around holiday pay in the UK. And they asked if we could share with our members and wider.
As the GLAA says, the ‘it comes with the job’ campaign will help workers understand their rights. It will also help employers understand their legal obligations.
While ETI concentrates mainly on global supply chains, the UK campaign is fully in line with ETI’s Base Code. We therefore believe it’s important to help raise awareness.
Unclaimed pay
Apparently, around £1.8 billion of holiday pay goes unclaimed every year. This affects around 1.8 million UK workers.
It was interesting to hear that workers affected often work in atypical roles. Neither are they aware that they’re entitled to holiday pay.
For example, 35% of workers incorrectly believe only workers in permanent jobs get holiday pay. Furthermore, a half incorrectly believe that workers on zero-hours contracts do not qualify for holiday pay.
Raise awareness
The campaign's purpose is to raise awareness of holiday pay entitlements among both employers and employees.
So please share this information with your networks. You too can play an important part in reducing the number of underpaid workers.
To find out more go to: https://www.gov.uk/holiday-entitlement-rights/holiday-pay-the-basics.