ETI and the Ashridge Hult International Business School have released the first in-depth analysis of corporate perspectives on tackling modern slavery one year on from the introduction of the UK Modern Slavery Act. The focus is on what leading companies are doing and learning, to help those companies that are just starting to look at the issue.
Download 'Corporate Leadership on Modern Slavery' here.
ETI's new Base Code Guidance: Modern slavery - practical guidance for brands and retailers.
When ETI and Ashridge Hult undertook the research, our five aims were to:
- Understand the perceptions of the prevalence of modern slavery, and how this is changing over time.
- Identify learning on how to address modern slavery. What are companies doing? How are they organising themselves? What is driving their engagement with modern slavery, and what factors are supporting this engagement?
- Provide insight on how the UK Modern Slavery Act has shaped corporate activities during the first year of its operation. How significant is the Act in helping organisations address modern slavery?
- Understand what companies believe constitutes corporate leadership on tackling modern slavery, such as how they identify the core components of an effective response and define corporate leadership on this issue.
- Outline case studies of good practice in addressing modern slavery in supply chains.
Businesses, modern slavery activists and opinion formers will find this detailed research useful and informative, as the findings reflect the insights and practices of companies that are advanced in their approach.
The intention is that in sharing good practice, we will enable more companies to do better work faster, inspire further innovation, and help to identify where more can be done.
Download 'Corporate Leadership on Modern Slavery' here.