Policy Officer, European Union and International Relations Department, TUC
Ben is a policy officer with the TUC's European Union and International Relations Department. He covers trade, decent work and international labour standards, as well as the TUC's work on priority countries such as Iraq Palestine/Israel and Burma. He is also a Board member of ETI.
Ben says: "Workers themselves are in the best position to secure respect for their rights, by acting together and negotiating with management. Trade unions work with ETI to help make this happen on the ground."
World Day for Decent Work was on 7 October. Ben Moxham of the UK Trades Union Congress tells us why it's so important, and what progress is being made towards it in today's tough economic climate.
ETI has helped bridge a big gap between its member trade unions and companies. But there is still a long way to go before ETI company-union collaboration becomes the norm, rather than the exception.
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